Congratulations to all of our past winners! Thank you for all of your hard work.
The Best New Construction in an Existing Historic Neighborhood:
1999: Gary & Carole Whittemore: 555 W. Jefferson St.
2000: Heartland Apartments, Inc.: 150 E. Jefferson St.
2001: Ted & Mary Helen Server: 551 E. Jefferson St.
2002-07: No Award Given
2008: Raymond & Barbara Turner: 53 Forsythe St.
2009: Robin & Robyn Hawhee: 597 E. King St.
2010: Bob & Lois Stone: 248 N Water St.
2011: Josh & Gretchen Wilkerson: 600 N. Hurricane St.
2012: No Award Given
2013: No Award Given
2014: Habitat for Humanity: 250 W. Adams St.
The Best Adaptive Reuse of an Existing Historic Structure:
1999: Mutual Savings Bank: 80 E. Jefferson St.
2000: Court St. Associates: 25 E. Court St.
2001: Lyman Snyder, and Hilliard & Lyons: 2 E. Jefferson St.
2002: Warwick and Associates, LLC, 436 E. Jefferson St.
2003: Jacquie Peterson & John Clark: 251 South Main St.
2004-07: No Award Given
2008: Richard’s Kitchen: 251 South Main St.
2009: Hoffman, Admire & Newcomb: 250 E. Jefferson St.
2010: Imagination Station: 198 N. Main St.
2011: Euphoria Spa: 425 E. Jefferson St.
2012: The Flying Frog, Warren & Sharon Isselhardt: 396 N. Main St.
2013: Franklin College/City of Franklin: 66 S. Water St.
2014: Geek in Pink: 25 N. Main St.
The Best Renovation Project of an Existing Historic Structure:
1999: Haas & Denslaw: 1 W. Monroe St.
2000: Smallwood Appliances: 27 W. Monroe St.
2001: Craig & Kim Smith: porch at 670 E. Jefferson St.
2001: Darrell & Elizabeth DuSold: 498 E. Adams St.
2002: Curtis & Dena Pease, 6 Henry St.
2003: John R. Shafer & Jon M. Dunham: 813 E. King St.
2004-07: No Award Given
2008: Phi Delta Theta Fraternity: 698 Monroe St.
2009: Christopher & Debra Schmidt: 365 W. Jefferson St.
2009: Keith Irvin: 198 S. Main St.
2010: Justin & Angie Weber: 644 N. Walnut St.
2011: FDC: Henderson Block
2012: Morgan & Kathryn Thomas: 667 Graham Street
2013: Franklin Window & Door, 112 W. Jefferson Street
2014: Doug & Amy Heavilin: 14 Martin Place
The Best New Addition to an Existing Historic Structure:
1999: Johnson, Gray & MacAbee: 63 E. Court St.
2000: John & Sandy Ditmars: 86 W. State Rd. 144
2001: Glen & Connie McAlpin: 5301 E. 200 N
2001: Stacey Drake: 65 Martin Place
2002: Glen, Keith and Cathy Armour, 601 N. Main St
2003: Johnson County Museum & Johnson County Commissioners: 135 N Main St.
2008: Colonel Mark & Carol Davis: 5611 E. 50 S.
2009: Dennis & Darlene Dougherty: 205 S. Home Ave.
2010: Rob & Lynne Schuetz: 287 E. South St.
2011: No Award Given
2012: Don & Linda Haddock: 100 N. Water St.
2013: No Award Given
2014: Scott & Michelle Graham: 291 E. Monroe St.
The Best Continued Use of an Existing Historic Structure:
1999: Artcraft Theater: 57 N. Main St.
2000: John Hauck: Vandivier Parsley Funeral Home: 197 E. Jefferson St.
2001: Dan Paris & Napa Auto Parts/ White Star Gas Station: 298 E. Jefferson St.
2002: Steve & Bob Woods, Jody Spears, Spears Auto Parts, 51 W. Monroe St.
2003: Dr. William D. II & Florencia Province: 100 N Main St.
2004-07: No Award Given
2008: Old Main: 101 Branigin Blvd.
2009: Tabernacle Christian Church: 198 N. Water St.
2010: Jim & Vicki Noblitt: 318 S. Main St.
2011: City of Franklin: 70 E. Monroe St.
2012: No Award Given
2013: Paul & Julie Hass-149 S. Home Ave
2013: Colin Riessen-200 Walnut Street
2014: Enoch Reeves-100 S. Jackson St.
The Restorer Of Old Franklin (ROOF Award):
1999: Jon Conner
2000: Bill & Cynthia Longest
2001: Delbert Cragan: For moving, stablizing & restoring the old Dollens School
2002: Mark Freeland: For restoring houses at 549 and 600 N. Hurricane St.
2003: Jim & Mary Barnaby: Don & Dona’s & The Fine Arts Gallery at 18 & 26 E. Jefferson St.
2004-07: No Award Given
2008: Craig & Kim Smith: 668 & 670 E. Jefferson & dedication to FHI & the Franklin Beautification committee.
2009: John Schafer & Jon Dunham: 1175 Park Ave. & 813 E. King St.
2010: No Award Given
2011: Scott & Cori Brown
2012: No Award Given
2013: No Award Given
2014: Dukate Remodeling
The Lifetime Achievement for Meritorious Preservation
1999: Helen Wenning
2000: Kathleen Van Nuys
2001: Lesa McDaniel Talley
2002: Fred Paris: For Wilson Overlook and his continued efforts in preservation
2003: Sheila Barr: Founding Board Member of FHI, teaching with historic places, house restoration at 99 N. Water St. and preservation efforts
2004-07: No Award Given
2008: Darrell & Elizabeth DuSold: 6484 E. 350 N. & 498 E Adams and continued efforts in preservation.
2009: No Award Given
2010: No Award Given
2011: No Award Given
2012: No Award Given
2013: No Award Given
2014: Jim Drake: Drake Construction & Remodeling
Natural Beauty Award:
2012: Greg Quagliara: 368 Yandes Street
2013: Bob Murray & Gina Bollinger: 35 N. Edwards Street
2014: Gabe & Ashley Huddleston: 245 E. Monroe Street
Little Charmer Award:
2012: Scott & Michelle Graham: 110 S. Jackson St.
2012: Doug & Amy Heavilin: 269 N. Jackson St.
2013: Shari Carr-248 E Monroe Street
2014: Mike & Mary Riley: 249 N. Home Ave
The Kathleen Van Nuys Historic Farmstead Award:
2013: Kathleen Van Nuys: 868 W. SR 144
2014: John & Sandy Ditmars: 86 E. SR 144